Five Members:

Members have an overarching responsibility for the viability and performance of the Trust through the appointment of Trustees and approval of the annual report.

Nine Trustees:

Trustees roles are:

  • Establishing the overall strategic direction of the Trust and setting the values by which it will work
  • Holding the Chief Executive Officer to account for the overall performance of the Trust and each academy within it
  • Ensuring financial probity and value for money across the Trust
  • Appointment of Governors to serve on Local Governing Bodies

Local Governing Bodies

The Trust has four local governing bodies (Youth Challenge, Lever Park, Forwards Centre and Park School) whose roles are:

  • To support the Trust in pursuit of its vision and overall aims
  • To promote high standards ensuring that pupils attend a successful Academy
  • To hold the Academy Lead to account for academic performance, quality of care and provision
  • To have strategic oversight of the day to day running of the academy including safety and well-being
  • To manage the finance of the Academy in so far as it has been delegated
  • To develop effective communication channels with all stakeholders