Welcome to our curriculum section. From here, you can find out all about our curriculum rationale and design. You can explore our long-term plans and each subject in more detail. 

Bolton Impact Trust – Curriculum Rationale flowchart

Rationale statement

In all Bolton Impact Trust Academies our students are given a curriculum which is specifically designed to meet their needs. We endeavour to use the best available intelligence to help us decide what a pupil’s personal curriculum plan should look like from the varied curriculum menu that we offer. During the design stage, we utilise data and information to define what success looks like for each student. Once the success criteria is established, the personal curriculum plan (pastoral, behavioural, emotional and academic) is agreed with all parties. We will work backwards from the agreed success criteria to create intent.


Using summative and formative assessment methods along with regular review meetings, we regularly analyse pupil progress in all aspects of their personal curriculum plan against the success criteria agreed at the design stage to ensure that their curriculum plan continues to meet their needs.






Referral received

Start date agreed if placement appropriate

SEMH/Academic baseline assessments

Professionals and parents consultation

BIT Observations

Options taken from curriculum menu

Personal Curriculum plans agreed

Personal Success criteria agreed









High quality teaching and learning experiences

Preferred learning styles understood

Strong Core Curriculum

 Reading as an integral part of the diet

Personal Development at the heart of the offer

Time given to breaking down barriers to success








Personal success data analysed






If sustained success is achieved


More challenge applied

New success criteria set

Regular analysis of performance

Present evidence to Commissioners

Return to mainstream setting or move on to long-term specialist provision.

Support Transition

If sustained success isn’t achieved


New success criteria set (re-design)

New strategies introduced

Procure more specialist support

Review with all stakeholders

Possible EHCP review

Possible move to specialist setting




The Forwards Centre curriculum supports pupils who may have missed significant parts of their education and who may have had a negative experience of learning which has badly affected both their academic self-worth and understanding of their place in society. It is designed to address gaps in both learning and the personal, social and emotional skills in order that children may go on to be successful in the next stage of their educational journey. It is founded in the centre’s core values of Believe, Inspire and Transform. 

We believe in all our children and our curriculum is designed to enable all pupils to experience academic success so that each child also develops belief in themselves over time. We provide a curriculum that is realistic, achievable, relevant and accessible to all. An ambitious curriculum that is carefully planned and personalised to promote feelings of trust, safety and self-confidence. 

Curriculum Design

We provide a curriculum structure that is clear and has well-defined end points. The structure allows rigorous baseline assessments to inform the planning of an appropriate curriculum ‘climbing frame’ for each child. Our curriculum then allows children the time and space to climb from a point and at a pace that is right for them and experience the same joy of learning new things that others experience and should be part of every child’s life. It is designed so that we can use ongoing formative assessment to track each child’s individual progress, treat them as individuals and celebrate their progress on its own merit rather than simply comparing with whole class age related expectations. This individualised approach ensures that no children are disadvantaged due to their academic level, SEND need or what point on their educational journey they are at or what time in the year they arrive. Every child can experience success. 

The Forwards Centre has a two-year rolling programme including reading, writing, maths, science, history, geography, computing, art and music alongside working on an individual basis with each pupils on the personal, social and emotional skills needed to overcome personal barriers to being successful in life. Each child has a personal provision map based on the end points from their education and health care plans (EHCPs) or from advice from a range of professionals such as educational psychologists and occupational therapists. 
Through our ‘Forwards Centre Five’, we ensure that the curriculum goes beyond the academic and that personal development is woven throughout. The ‘Five’ include: Contribution and Readiness; Conduct and Morals; Celebrating Similarity and Difference; Caring for Ourselves; and Culture and Creativity. We encourage children to try new things, find a spark and then develop it into an area of strength and success. This provides opportunities for pupils to develop character, confidence and self-esteem with the aim of providing them with the essential knowledge and cultural capital that they need to be educated citizens and develop a fully rounded appreciation of the world around them.

Our centre runs on a clear set of published SEMH principles designed to create a therapeutic, emotionally regulated environment where children experience and learn the social norms and expectations they will need to be successful in their next setting. Staff live life alongside each child and consistently model positive ways of coping with the challenges that the school day brings.

 The curriculum has been planned and sequenced so that knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before. It has clear end points for each subject with clearly defined “I know’ and ‘I can’ statements’ defining the knowledge and skills children need to acquire to reach those end point. There is a focus on the ‘sticky knowledge’ we want children to remember and an emphasis on the use of technical language and vocabulary for each subject. Every pupil is entitled to study the full curriculum and develop the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in their next educational setting. 
Our experienced staff have the flexibility to further adapt our curriculum for each child to better meet their SEND needs or to take advantage of their specific interests. This may mean adapting the pitch of a learning activity but may also mean adapting the pace of the lesson, introducing sensory breaks or breaking activities down into small steps in order that a child does not feel overwhelmed. Over time, children may need less adaptation, however, staff are vigilant and recognise that pupils face multiple challenges in their lives and sometimes need more support and adaptation and sometimes less.


Reading is a priority for children at the Forwards Centre with each child being thoroughly assessed on arrival. PM Benchmarking is used to ensure a rigorous and sequential approach to developing fluency and confidence in reading. Our pupils access the PM Benchmarking reading scheme and reading is assessed regularly and every pupil has individual targets to ensure any gaps are addressed and that books are chosen to closely match their next steps. Time is allocated for reading and all pupils have 1:1 reading sessions with staff where they work on their personal reading targets which may include comprehension at a level that appropriate to them. 

Where appropriate, pupils are phonically assessed on arrival at the centre and for our youngest children, and those at the early stages of reading, our focus is on the development of the phonics, language comprehension and communication skills they need to be successful learners. Children who are still at the early stages of their reading journey have access to books that are in line with their phonetical knowledge. The centre uses the DfE validated Twinkl phonics scheme and, through the development of the “Twinkle Toes’ programme, implements it in a way that is particularly effective for meeting the needs of pupils with SEMH needs in an AP setting. 

The documents in this section of the website outline the two-year curriculum programme for each of our classes. For more information, please contact your child's class teacher or Mrs Berry (Deputy Headteacher) - 01204 333660. 

Reading Rationale

The Forwards Centre curriculum supports pupils who may have missed significant parts of their education.  As a result, the Forwards Centre provides a focused learning journey starting with the fundamentals of reading.  Our aim is to deliver a flexible reading model that can provide our learners with the keys to unlock their full potential in life.

Reading Curriculum Design

Our reading curriculum includes phonics, word reading and comprehension, which is individualised to our pupils needs. Within this teaching model, pupils will experience a range of programmes such as: Twinkle Toes and PM benchmarking reading scheme. 

We strive to encourage and promote a genuine love and interest of reading at the Forwards Centre, therefore, time in the day will be made for pupils to read independently or with a staff member.  As a priority, we will develop confidence and motivation in our readers, which is anchored by regular opportunities to hear high quality non-fiction and fiction texts.  The cross curricular vocabulary we teach, aims to provide our pupils with a greater understanding of the world around them and their ability to express themselves effectively. 

Our ethos is to develop an enthusiasm for reading whilst offering opportunities for our pupils to become fluent, confident readers.  We challenge our learners daily to become independent readers with the aim of providing them with the skills to successfully interconnect with society.

Writing Rationale

The Forwards Centre curriculum supports pupils who may have missed significant parts of their education.  As a result, at the Forwards Centre we seek to inspire pupils to become confident writers, and provide them with the skills to interconnect with society. 

Writing Curriculum Design

Our aim is to deliver engaging, cross curricular topics, so our pupils can write with purpose.  As a result, we expose pupils to high quality non-fiction and fiction texts, whilst teaching the different genres of writing.   Lessons are carefully sequenced to cover the key features of each genre so that skills can be gradually embedded and built upon progressively,  

We want to instil a feeling of pride in our pupils writing, so we schedule time each day for handwriting practice, and give our pupils chances to express themselves by planning, editing and publishing their own work. Our ethos is to create a culture that challenges children to improve their writing, whilst developing a safe learning environment for children to work at their own pace.  

At the Forwards Centre, we want our pupils to build the cultural capital they need to interconnect with society, therefore, it is our aim to teach a range of new words to our pupils. We want our pupils to have social mobility, and have the vocabulary to talk about their own writing with their friends and family. Ultimately, we want our pupils to generate long lasting life skills and work towards becoming confident, independent writers


Phonics Rationale

 At The Forwards Centre, we want children to learn to read fluently, accurately and confidently. We know that reading is the key that unlocks the whole curriculum and enables pupils to access their learning. Therefore, the ability to decode efficiently is essential. We also want children to see reading as not only a task set by teachers in school as part of the curriculum but also as an activity, which provides pleasure and escape from the modern world.

Phonics Curriculum Design

We passionately believe that, with the right support, all children can and will learn to read. Therefore, for all children to be successful, we have developed our own phonics programme combining the content of Twinkl Phonics with the systematic structure of Toe by Toe.  Our flexible phonics program provides a structured pathway for our pupils to develop their understanding of relationship between the phonemes and graphemes.  It is our aim to encourage and promote a genuine love and interest for reading, with the objective of providing our children with the skills to successfully interconnect with society.

Oracy Rationale

Talking and eloquence are not the same: to speak and to speak well are two things. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks - Heinrich Heine

 At The Forwards Centre, we recognise both the importance of oracy and the impact that this has on a child’s success both in school and on their life beyond.  

Oracy Curriculum Design

Our aim is to provide a high-quality oracy education where pupils learn ‘through talk’ and ‘to talk’ by developing and deepening subject knowledge. We plan for opportunities which are designed, modelled, scaffolded and structured to enable pupils to learn skills needed to talk effectively.

Opportunities for oracy are regular, purposeful, appropriately pitched and planned with careful consideration to ensure that pupils are well prepared to meet expectations.

Two Year English Curriculum Intent


Maths Rationale 

At the Forwards Centre, we recognise the importance of children receiving a high quality maths education, as maths is “a universal language that enables understanding of the world” and “attainment in the subject is the key to opening doors”.  

Maths Curriculum Design

We believe that every child can be successful in maths regardless of their starting point. The vast majority of our pupils have missed out on learning at some point in the past for a wide range of reasons. Our curriculum takes this into account and is personalised, flexible and designed to allow pupils to build self-confidence and re-engage with learning.

The aim of our maths curriculum is to

  • ensure that our pupils develop a secure understanding of the key concepts and basic facts to ensure that working memory is not overloaded when working on challenging activities that deepen understanding
  • provide pupils opportunities to acquire a rich and developed vocabulary through the use of stem sentences, enabling them to communicate their ideas with mathematical precision as well as clarity.
  • enable pupils to display a high level of pride in the presentation and understanding of their work
  • ensure that pupils are well prepared for the next step on their academic journey, whether that be returning to a mainstream primary, a specialist provision or secondary school
  • provide opportunities to demonstrate an increased ability to work independently

Underpinning all this is the recognition we have, that for pupils to succeed, we need to provide a positive, safe and stabilising setting. This requires us to ensure that pupils feel safe in making mistakes and understand that making mistakes are a vital part of learning.  Pupils will be allowed to work at their own pace and will not be rushed through the curriculum until they have become secure in the topic and level they are working at.   We aim to create an environment where pupils are free to develop a love for the subject without having to compare and compete against others.

Our curriculum is designed in such a way that allows progress to be made in small incremental steps, allowing pupils time to progress at their own speed. Our experience has shown us that stretching a pupil too far before they are ready can have a huge detrimental effect on our pupils. A carefully managed and implemented learning journey is part of each classes weekly planning.

The curriculum is based around White Rose maths scheme and supplemented with a range of other resources, including NCETM, Learning by Questions, Splash Learn and Prodigy. This allows us to deliver high quality, standardised activities in each classroom while also allowing us the freedom and flexibility to tailor the curriculum to cater for each pupil’s individual learning needs.

Key knowledge and skills are regularly revisited allowing repetition to embed understanding. Each class has daily activities that allow pupils to consolidate previous knowledge and retain the skills that they have previously acquired. These activities are embedded alongside daily times tables practise, working on pupils rapid recall abilities.

Forwards Centre Maths Curriculum Intent

Science Rationale

At the Forwards Centre, we want our children to be inquisitive about the world around them.  We want to embrace their sense of wonder about natural phenomena and inspire them to think scientifically about the world around them. 

We aim to develop children’s ideas and ways of working that enable them to make sense of the world in which they live.

We want our children to develop an understanding of the uses and implications of Science, how it has changed and shaped our lives today and for the future. 

We guide our children and support them using the Bolton Impact Trusts core values of ‘Believe’, ‘Inspire’, ‘Transform’.

We ‘believe’ in our children and their capability in understanding the specific substantive knowledge for each discipline of the Science National Curriculum. We have high expectations of our children and believe that all children will achieve regardless of their starting point.

We aim to ‘inspire’ our children about the scientific world, ensuring that they use those crucial disciplinary skills alongside their substantive knowledge to ensure cohesion, reasoning and a deeper understanding.

We help to ‘transform’ our children to become life longer learners, who want to know more about the world in which they live.

Science Curriculum Design

In order to do this, we aim to provide our children with rich learning experiences that:

  • Help acquire a growing understanding of the nature, processes and methods of scientific ideas. 
  • Help develop and extend our children’s scientific concept of their world. 
  • Build on our children’s natural curiosity, developing a scientific approach to problems. 
  • Encourages open-mindedness, perseverance and develop the skills of investigation
  • Develop the use of scientific language, recording and techniques. 
  • Ensure that misconceptions are addressed, that children are practicing and retrieving information, building upon prior knowledge and helping children to embed their procedural knowledge to long term memory and make crucial links to other areas of the curriculum. 

Forwards Centre Science Curriculum

History Rationale

History is important as all around us; it helps to ignite curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world. Through finding out about how and why the world, our country, culture and local community have developed over time, pupils understand how the past influences the present. 

History enables pupils to develop a context for their growing sense of identity and a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people.  It allows an understanding of their place in the world and in the long story of human development.

History Curriculum Design

At The Forwards Centre our aim is to deliver a history curriculum that:

  • stimulates, motivates and engages pupils who may have missed significant parts of their education and who may have had a negative experience of learning, in order for them to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of the world around them;
  • enables all pupils to experience academic success - ensuring that no child is disadvantaged due to their academic level, SEND need or what point on their educational journey they are at or what time in the year they arrive, by having a “climbing frame” to achieve clear ambitious end points.

At The Forwards Centre we aim to help pupils gain a secure knowledge and understanding of their immediate history, that being their family and location; Britain’s past and that of the wider world. The curriculum has been designed to:

  • allow pupils to make links between current and previous learning;
  • make comparisons between different historical periods, places and societies;
  • develop chronological knowledge and understanding from the Stone Age to present day.

At The Forwards Centre we want pupils to be curious to know more about the past and to have the skills required to do this by working and thinking as historians and developing historical skills.  We recognise that it is not enough for pupils to just learn a series of facts about the past. We aim to enable pupils to:

  • research and interpret evidence, experiencing and using a range of different sources,
  • think critically – weighing up what they have found, asking questions about this, and drawing their own conclusions,
  • develop the ability think empathetically – putting themselves in someone else’s shoes
  • work independently or collaboratively, to ask, as well as answer, historical questions and
  • make reasoned decisions and have the necessary skills to construct historical arguments from their point of view, based on evidence and different sources.

Forwards Centre History Intent


Geography Rationale

At The Forwards Centre, we believe that geography is, by nature, an investigative subject, which helps children to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world by provoking and providing answers to questions about the world around us as well as our place in it.

Geography Curriculum Design

At The Forwards Centre our aim is to deliver a geography curriculum that:

  • stimulates, motivates and engages pupils who may have missed significant parts of their education and who may have had a negative experience of learning, in order for them to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of the world around them;
  • enables all pupils to experience academic success - ensuring that no child is disadvantaged due to their academic level, SEND need, what point on their educational journey they are at or what time in the year they arrive, by having a “climbing frame” to achieve clear ambitious end points.

We seek to inspire in children a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people which will remain with them for the rest of their lives; to promote the children’s interest and understanding of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. The curriculum is designed to develop knowledge and skills that are progressive, as well as transferable, equipping pupils well for further education and beyond.


Forwards Centre Geography intent

PSHE/RSE Rationale

At The Forwards Centre we recognise the importance and value that a high quality PSHE & Relationship Education curriculum can offer our pupils.  Our aim is to enable pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and to help prepare and equip them for their future, enabling them to play a full and active part in society, whilst keeping themselves healthy and safe.

PSHE/RSE Curriculum Design

At The Forwards Centre our aim is to deliver a PSHE/RSE curriculum that enables pupils to understand:

  • How we manage our health and wellbeing –through developing understanding and confidence of their own, as well as others emotions and developing healthy coping strategies.  Providing pupils with knowledge, understanding and strategies of how to develop a healthy, safer lifestyle, as well as equipping them to support others facing challenges. Providing pupils opportunities to think about the alternatives when making decisions about personal health, and the consequence of such decisions.  Finally, talking openly about mental health issues breaking down any associated stigma.
  • How we maintain healthy relationships – through developing understanding of the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults, developing an understanding of who can support them. Providing pupils with an understanding of the importance of taking turns, treating each other with kindness, consideration and respect, the importance of honesty and truthfulness, permission seeking and giving, and the concept of personal privacy.   Allowing pupils to recognise the risks and issues they and other children experience today. The focus of sex and relationships education to equip them to make safe choices, navigate the online world with a critical eye, and help them to understand where to go for support.
  • How we live in the wider world – developing pupils knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. From making responsible decisions to succeeding in their first job. The wider world topic helps pupils to understand about diversity, stereotypes and prejudice; their shared responsibilities, it helps pupils to consider the influences of social media, and think about the careers that they are interested in as well as considering economic wellbeing. 

Consequently, these elements of our programme of study equips our pupils with relevant and meaningful content, which is supported through a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience, providing a safe and accepting environment and nurturing mental and physical health. 

At the Forwards Centre we use the Jigsaw scheme to deliver the PSHE/RSE curriculum.

Forwards Centre PSHE/RSE Intent

Computing Rationale

At The Forwards Centre we want to prepare pupils for a life in a continually changing digital and technological society. Technology is everywhere and plays a pivotal role, and will continue to do so, in our students’ lives. This means it is important we provide them with the skills to develop in a digital world.

Computing Curriculum Design

At the Forwards Centre our aim is to deliver a computing curriculum that:

  • Focuses on the progression of skills in Digital Citizenship, Digital Literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology.
  • Builds pupils skills and knowledge in computing to allow them to affectively demonstrate their learning through the creative use of technology across the curriculum, such as creating music videos, Podcasts and publishing their work.
  • Encourages our students to be responsible digital citizens and emphasise the importance of online safety.


At the Forwards Centre we aim to help pupils gain a secure knowledge and understanding of computing. The curriculum has been designed to:

  • Provided students with the opportunity to learn computing though discrete and cross-curricular lessons based on how best to teach the intended curriculum.
  • Allow for unplugged activities, where students are exposed to the ideas of computer science without the use of computers.


At the Forwards Centre the computing curriculum is based on a rolling two year programme to allow for students who may be with us for a prolonged period of time. Each Computer Science topic looks at a new piece of vocabulary as they move up through the school so the students develop their understanding.

Forwards Centre Computing Curriculum Intent

Art Rationale

At The Forwards Centre, we see art as a vehicle for creativity and individual expression. We believe that it is important to the development of pupils’ well-being, appreciation of the world and understanding and empathy of others.

Art Curriculum Design

We aim to give all children the confidence to express themselves through a range of chosen mediums. Our curriculum provides children with an opportunity to experience different art forms: drawing, painting and 3D designs, and pupils are encouraged to experiment with a range of different materials and techniques. Opportunities to practise art techniques when using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space are embedded across the Art curriculum through the use of individual sketchbooks.

As we believe that it is important for our children to know about different artists and their styles, we plan for opportunities for children to take inspiration from key artists and create their own artworks in their particular styles. Children are given the time within lessons to work on their own and collaborate with others, on projects in two and three dimensions and on different scales.

We aim to equip children with the skills required to have an understanding of the language of art in order to enable them look at an image or a piece of art and to have an understanding of it, not just react to it; to describe what they see in detail and to provide evidence for their observations. 

Forwards Centre Art Intent

Music Rationale

At The Forwards Centre, we believe that music can be a powerful and transformational tool for children; it can both engage and inspire, assist emotional regulation and facilitate therapeutic self-expression in a profound way. 

Music Curriculum Design

Our music curriculum aims to promote the enthusiasm for, and the enjoyment of, music in all its forms. Our goal is for the children to develop musical skills and knowledge through effective teaching where children are fully engaged in their learning. By engaging children in musical experiences, we offer our children opportunities to develop skills, attitudes and attributes that can support learning in other curriculum areas as well as developing life skills such as listening, the ability to concentrate, creativity, self-confidence and a sensitivity towards others and the environment.

Forwards Centre Music Intent

Personal Development Rationale

Supporting the personal development of pupils is a core part of the Forwards Centre’s work. Our intent is to support pupils to grow into healthy, confident, resilient adults who can make a positive contribution to society and be prepared for life in modern Britain. To that end, teachers use opportunities presented by the Forwards Centre curriculum to promote both the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural aspect of pupils’ lives and their understanding Fundamental British Values. Opportunities to support each child to develop their character are identified and they are given the opportunity to try lots of new things. Children are taught about helping others to and preparing for the next stage in their education. They are taught to recognise the difference between right and wrong and how this impacts on their own life and on the lives of the others. Opportunities are sought to celebrate similarities, be respectful of our differences and how to keep safe and healthy. Children are supported to develop an appreciation of human creativity and achievement, develop their own skills as artists and musicians and develop the cultural capital they need to go on be successful. 

Personal Development Curriculum Design

Personal Development is woven through our curriculum offer. Each class teacher takes the Forwards Centre Five and identifies how it will be delivered across the schools year. It is broken into five broad categories. 

  • Contribution and readiness
  • Conduct and morals
  • Celebrating similarity and difference
  • Caring for ourselves 
  • Culture and creativity

Contribution and readiness

I have the knowledge and skills I need to be fully prepared for the next steps in my education 

I know about a range of jobs and employment and how these will help me play an active role in society as an adult. 

I can take part in age-appropriate volunteering and the service of others.

I can contribute to class life 

I can work towards an award 

I can show commitment to learning something over time and develop expertise. 

I can reflect wisely on my own experiences about an event.

I can demonstrate pride in my achievements.


Conduct and morals

I know why we need rules and routines and can commit to following them.

I can recognise the difference between right and wrong in my own life.

I know the positive and negative consequences of my conduct.

I know and understand the rule of law.

I can contribute to the calm environment in the centre across the whole school day.

I know the importance of acting with honesty and integrity.

I can demonstrate a commitment to attendance and punctuality.

I can demonstrate positive conduct beyond the centre. 


Celebrating similarity and difference 

I know the impact of bullying and derogatory language and how to respond to incidents.

I know about protected characteristics.

I can celebrate the strengths of my classmates and others across the centre.

I know about and respect different people’s faiths, feelings and values.

I can recognise, and value, the things we share in common across all communities.

I can find out the views of others and listen courteously and politely.

I can make arguments clearly and constructively in order to persuade other people.

I know about voting and Britain’s democratic parliamentary system. 


Caring for ourselves

I know how to keep mentally healthy.

I know how to eat healthily and maintain an active lifestyle. 

I know about my emotions and how they impact on my own life and the lives of others.

I can stay safe online and recognise the danger of the inappropriate use of technology 

I know about risks such as criminal and sexual exploitation, domestic abuse, substance misuse, gang activity, radicalisation and extremism.

I know about healthy relationships with others.

I can use the opportunities I have to be physically active during the school day. 

I can represent the centre in a sporting festival or competition.


Culture and creativity

I know about and can appreciate the best of human creativity and achievement.

I can develop skills as an artist.

I can develop skills as a musician.

I can develop skills in a sporting activity.

I can use imagination and creativity in my learning.

I can demonstrate pride in being a member of the Forwards Centre community.

I know about and can develop a connection to the local area.

I can visit new places within the town.


If parents or carers wish to find out more about the curriculum please contact the Academy Lead